Sex is one of my favorite topics to write about. And yet, it's still incredibly taboo (that's probably why I like writing about it so much). Mostly, when it comes to sex, I want to be honest about my most whacky and weird experiences. And also, I advocate for orgasm equality, anal equality, and a couple of other things that you can learn about here. I define sex as the act of giving and receiving sexual pleasure. It's as simple as that. It might be with someone you love or a rando you just met in the club. But ideally, it should be pleasurable, enjoyable, and hopefully fun. It might involve penetration, i.e., a penis going into a vagina. But chances are, and increasingly so these days, it doesn't. Procreating, i.e., making babies, is but one tiny aspect of what it means to be a sexually active human today. Here, I'll do my darnedest to tell you what I like about sex and what I've learned from sleeping with 40+ men and a couple of lucky ladies.